Songs and rhymes
Singing a few nursery rhymes with your baby or child every day is a quick and easy way to support their learning and development. Explore our collection of top nursery rhymes and songs for children and babies.

All children like songs and rhymes, even small babies. They like your voice, the repetitive language and the actions.
How nursery rhymes support your child's learning and development:
- You will be supporting them to learn to talk as they become familiar with the words and rhythm, and begin to imitate the sounds you make, or join in with the words.
- You will support the bond between you to develop as you look at each other and imitate one another’s actions.
- You will be supporting them to develop muscle control and coordination as you help them to follow the actions in rhymes.
- You will be supporting pre-reading and pre-writing skills as they develop phonological awareness by hearing sounds in the rhymes.
- You will support them to learn to count, add and subtract numbers when you sing number rhymes.
If your first language is not English, then make sure you sing rhymes in your home language, the benefits to your baby or child will be just the same!
It’s good to sing rhymes together when you are playing with your baby or child, so you can give them your full attention. But you could also fit some more rhymes into your day by singing them during nappy changing, while getting dressed in the morning, as you prepare lunch, while doing the shopping or while you’re in the car, or on a bus!
Here are the words and actions to lots of popular songs and nursery rhymes. Have a listen and see if you and your little one can follow along.
Peek-a-boo Song
I Can Sing a Rainbow
If You're Happy and You Know It ...
She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain When She Comes
Alice the Camel
Oh Dear What Can the Matter Be
La Cucaracha
A You're Adorable
I Had a Little Turtle
Frère Jacques
Daisy Daisy
Goosey Goosey Gander
Teddy Bear's Picnic
Over the Sea to Skye (Skye Boat Song)
Little Bunny Foo Foo
My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
Sur Le Pont D'avignon
30 Days Has September
One Two, Buckle My Shoe
I'm a Little Teapot
Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Pepper
Magpie Song
Roses are red
Remember, Remember, the 5th of November
Needles and Ribbons and Packets of Pins
Nose, Nose, Jolly Red Nose
Old King Cole
Polly Put the Kettle On
Pop Goes the Weasel
Ring-a-Ring o' Roses
Seesaw Margery Daw
Simple Simon nursery rhyme
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