Making cards and drawing pictures is a great activity for you and your child as it gets darker this winter. Not only is it fun, but whoever receives your child’s artwork will cherish their handmade creations.
Designing their own card or picture can help your child express their creativity as they experiment with different materials and designs and stay in touch with friends and family who might live faraway. They will be developing their language skills as you chat with them, and their coordination and muscle strength will be developing as they get creative with their hands. This will help them with writing and other tricky tasks, such as fastening zips and using knives and forks as they get older.
Focus on the process not the product. For children, the fun and the learning part of an activity is the doing!
How to make your own special Christmas card …
Materials you could use:
- Card or paper
- Paint
- Pens or pencils
- Glue or tape (masking tape is easier for little fingers to use independently)
- Collage materials (shiny paper, sweet wrappers, foil, wrapping paper)
- Spare craft or household materials
- Imagination!
How to make your Christmas card or picture:
- Chat to your child about what they would like to put on their card … What does Christmas make them think about? What could be included on the card or picture? Would they like to draw, paint or collage? Help them plan their design or just let them enjoy exploring and experimenting.
- If you are using card your child may need a little help to fold it. Don’t worry if they want to do it themselves and the fold is not straight. Remember, it’s all about the process.
- Let your child choose which materials and colours they would like… talk to your child about their preferences.
- Sit alongside your child and chat with them as they work.
- Ask your child if they'd like you to help them add some words on the front or inside, such as, Have a Happy Christmas!
- Let your child write their name inside the card. This might be early mark making; a straight line, a squiggle or recognisable letter shapes. The main thing is to chat and have fun, and don’t forget to add some kisses! XXX

Top tips!
- Younger children may find it easier to work on a larger piece of paper or card.
- For older children, encourage them to add detail to their pictures and have a go at working out the letter sounds and doing their own writing.
- If you have lots of family and friends, you could photograph and print your child's work so they don't have to make quite so many!