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Handprint sunshine activity

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This activity encourages your little one to make a piece of artwork to brighten up their wall at home.

What you'll need:

  • A piece of paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Colouring pens or pencils

What to do

Step one:

First, your child can make their handprints. Ask them to draw around their hand six times, creating six separate handprints.

Step two:

Next, get them to colour in their handprints. You’ll stick these into a sun shape together later, so they might want to make them yellow or orange like the sun.

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If you have any other craft materials – like glitter, stickers, feathers or foil – encourage them to be creative and add these too.

Help your child to cut out the hands carefully. Then you’ll make the centre of the sun. To make this, draw and cut out a circle on another piece of paper. Try tracing around a bowl or plate to make it neat!

Step three:

Now your child can stick their handprints to the circle. With the palms in the middle and the fingers facing out, it will make a sun shape!

Bonus activity: You can use this activity to help your child practice their writing too.

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  • Ask them to think of some words or memories sunshine reminds them of.
  • Maybe a holiday or trip to the park? Maybe a type of food, or a feeling?
  • Is there a smell or a sound?
  • Help them to write their words on the ‘rays’ of the sun.