Replace a word in a nursery rhyme with your baby’s name to get their attention.
When you tell a story or sing a song, you can swap a character’s name with your baby’s name.
Take the nursey rhyme ‘Jack and Jill’ for example. It goes:
Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.
Try replacing ‘Jack’ or ‘Jill’ with your baby’s name. Repeat the song a few times. See if your baby responds when you say their name.
You can try tickling them or pointing to them when you say their name to help them understand.
If your child has a different nursery rhyme that they enjoy, you can use that one instead. Whatever they like to pay attention to!
You can also do this with your baby’s favourite books. You can read the story but replace one of the characters with their name. See if they notice when you start saying their name instead of what’s in the book.
Good to know
Using your baby’s name in stories or rhymes helps them learn that they are important to you. This will make them feel more confident.