Author of the week
Our author of the week is creator of the Claude books, Alex T. Smith!
Claude is no ordinary dog - he leads an extraordinary life! Claude in the City sees Claude and Sir Bobblysock go to the city for the very first time, where Claude accidentally foils a robbery and becomes the local hero! In Claude Best in Show, Claude and Sir Bobblysock are due to take part in The Great Waggy Avenue Dog Show and there are medals galore to be won.
Download Claude activities including recipes and drawing tasks based on Claude at the Palace , out later this month, and learn how to draw Claude by watching the video.
Watch the video
Grab a pencil and a piece of paper as Alex shows you how to draw Claude!
Read Claude in the City for FREE!
This ebook is no longer available.

Read Claude Best in Show for FREE
This ebook is no longer available.
Alex's top three books
The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr
This has been one of my favourites since I was about five years old. I loved the idea something so extraordinary can happen right in your own house. The thought of going to a cafe in the night in my pyjamas seemed like the most exciting thing that could ever happen…
Eloise by Kay Thompson and Hilary Knight
Imagine being six and living on the ‘tippy-top floor’ of The Plaza Hotel in New York! And having the run of the place! And having a “dog who looks like a cat”! Well, Eloise doesn’t have to imagine any of that. A feisty, eccentric, wild and unapologetic heroine who skitters across the pages in both the glorious words and pictures. Wonderfully bonkers.
Julian is a Mermaid by Jessica Love
Already a modern classic, Julian is a Mermaid is utterly joyful, and has a vital message about acceptance, confidence, and being yourself. The illustrations are gorgeous, and perfectly complement the heart-warming story.
Download the activities
Learn how to draw Claude in this activity pack:
Download the Claude activity pack
Design your own wellies, birthday card and learn how to make jam tarts:
Download the Claude at the Palace activity pack
Colour in Claude's best beach outfit, help him choose what to bring to the beach and find your way out of the maze:
Download the Claude TV Star activity pack
Create your own Claude comic book adventure