Songs and rhymes are really important to support your child's language development - here's why.
But you don’t need to remember the words to lots of songs, you can just make up your own songs, about anything!
Your baby will love hearing their name or other familiar words. Older children will soon begin to join in and offer their own ideas as you show them how.
You could sing
- ‘What did we find today? What did we find today? We found a slug, we found a slimy slug!’
- ‘We’re going to the shops, shops, shops. We’re going to the shops, shops, shops. What shall we buy today?’
- or sing about something your child loves... ‘Are there any planes in the sky today? Are there any planes in the sky today? I hope we see one, or two or three today.’
The rhythm and repetition in songs (real or made up) helps with learning language, like the new words you'll be introducing as you sing.

Top tip!
Your child will love your singing, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have the best singing voice.
Watch this Tiny Happy People video of a Mum singing about a trip to the park.