Why write to your local MP?
Writing to your local MP can make a big impact on the fight for the environment and against climate change. With a simple internet search you can find out who your local MP is, and their contact details.
This activity will help you draft a letter to your local MP. Write about the local and global environmental issues that concern your family and suggest ways to change these! Plan out the letter with a family member using the following prompts, and then you can even write it out neatly and send it to your local MP through the post!
Plan out the letter to send to your MP!
Use the following prompts to the structure the letter.
Step one: Introduction
- Who are you?
- Where are you from?
- Why are you writing?
Part two: The problem
- What are your concerns?
- What have you noticed in your local area or on a global level?
- Use fact, but also make it personal
Part three: What you want
- What would you like your MP to do?
- Suggest solutions
Part four: A polite ending
- Thank the MP and give a summary of what you're hoping for