About Arvon
Arvon believes creative writing can change lives for the better and allow us to harness our imagination and find our voices. Their masterclasses are led by highly-acclaimed writers and cover everything from poetry to playwriting, song to screenplay and fact to fiction.
Learn more about Arvon
Join an Arvon workshop

Memories are the stories you tell yourself, with Jarred McGinnis
When: Wednesday 19 May 2021, 11am – 12pm
Recommended age: 14-16
In this masterclass you'll learn we all have stories to tell. Join writer Jarred McGinnis in some fun exercises to show how lived experiences can be the starting point for your fiction. At the end of the session, you should see that everyone, especially you, has stories worth telling.

Exploring poetry and identity, with Arji Manuelpillai
When: 10.00am – 10.50am, Friday 21 May 2021
Recommended age: 10-14
Join poet and performer Arji Manuelpillai on a journey of exploration looking at you and what you stand for in this exciting workshop on poetry. This masterclass will be for all poets, from beginners to Shakespearean masters, and will explore the way we can capture ourselves and maybe tell a few white lies along the way…