- Keep your eye on the camera. Whether your webcam is inbuilt, or you have one attached to the top of your computer, it is important to speak into the camera as much as you can. It will likely feel strange, but that’s your audience, so make eye contact as much as you can.
- Elevate your laptop or computer. Ideally, the top of your screen should be just below eye level. Place a stack of books or a shoebox on your desk to prop up your computer for better viewing. Doing this should also help you keep better posture and minimise neck pain.
- Think about light. If you can, try to position yourself in good light. For example, orienting yourself towards a window can help others see you better (although of course you don’t want the sun in your eyes!).
- Check your surroundings. For many of us, working in makeshift offices, spare bedrooms or even cupboards has become the norm. When using video conferencing, it is a good idea to check what is behind you and make sure there are no objects that appear to be hovering over or jutting out of your head. If you are talking, you want your audience focused on your message, not the flower growing out of your ear!
- Remember, we are all in this together! Embrace transparency. If someone comes into the room whilst you are on a video call or your dog runs in barking, don’t worry about it. It happens to everyone and this is a good time for us all to be supporting each other
Communicating effectively using Zoom
Read top tips on how to effectively communicate over video