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Talking tube game for babies

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Playing with your baby doesn’t always mean using children’s toys. You can use things you have around your home. Babies like games that use their senses: sight, sound, smell and touch. This game encourages them to listen and play with sounds.

What you’ll need:

  • A cardboard tube, such as an empty toilet roll

Sit in front of your baby with the tube. Hold the tube near their ear and whisper something to them. Try saying their name to get their attention. Can they hear you? If they can, then swap over and whisper in their other ear.

You can say their name, sing a nursery rhyme or talk about what you’re doing later. It doesn’t matter what you say – your baby will just enjoy hearing your voice. See if they babble, turn their head or laugh in response to the sound of your voice.

If you can’t find a tube, you can use your hands to make a similar effect.

Good to know

This will support your baby’s listening and communication skills.