You can do a scavenger hunt anywhere!
You don't always need to collect the objects you're looking for, maybe see who can find them first, or take photos of each item when you see it.
Try doing a scavenger hunt while you’re out and about.
You could take it in turns setting challenges of what to find next while you’re walking to the shops, or if you have more time you could write a list together before you go, of the things you want to find.
Here’s one to get you started.
See if you can find the following:
- Something green
- A number ‘2’
- Something round
- A post box
- Something tiny
- Something with wheels
- A yellow leaf

Top tip!
Plan your scavenger hunt according to where you’re going. If you’re visiting a park or woodland, your hunt can include more natural items.
Did you know?
Playing this simple game will support your child’s language development, as well as their observation and memory skills.