Have you ever considered a job in banking?
Learn what an average day in your job may look like by reading the below blogs written by experts from multi International investment bank, Goldman Sachs.
Anthony: Executive Director, Technology

I awake to the beeping from my phone and reach out to turn off the alarm.
It is harder to get up in the mornings since the pandemic started and I no longer have a morning commute to rush for. Once I am up and changed, I grab something to eat and check my emails to see what happened overnight.
Around 8:30am I make a big cup of coffee and settle down for my first meeting at 9am. I spend a lot of time in meetings with my team, my clients and one-on-one mentoring sessions. Today is no different with at least 3 hours of meetings before lunch.
I take a short break for lunch and often read whilst eating. Not a particularly good habit I confess, but it gives me a chance to catch up on the latest technology and industry trends.
This afternoon is a bit quieter, which is helpful as I want to complete some coding I promised to finish by tomorrow.
Buried in my work, I am slightly shocked when my wife knocks on the door to offer me a cup of tea and a slice of cake. This is a definite silver lining of working from home in the current situation!
I close out my day by checking that all the systems are healthy and making sure there are no urgent emails to reply to. Tomorrow is another day and no two are alike.
Lauren: Internal Audit Analyst
I am currently completing my work placement year in the Internal Audit division at Goldman Sachs.
I study Art and Design at the University of Leeds and whilst I love painting, during the last few years I have developed a strong interest in computer coding and programming, which ultimately led me towards my career goal of working in the financial technology industry.

I began my placement in July 2020 and spent the majority of lockdown finishing my university exams at home and preparing for my new job.
Mid-way through the semester in March, I had to leave university and return home due to the pandemic; an event I imagine many experienced whilst at school and college too.
Initially, remaining motivated to complete my course was difficult, but now I spend many hours on both painting and technology-focused work, such as practising coding and website-building.
These are tasks that have helped to keep me occupied during the long weeks of lockdown.