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Words that Count - Financial resilience for 16 to 24 year olds

Discover a mix of content from quizzes and videos to glossaries and helpful advice which will equip and empower you to make more informed financial decisions.

Words that Count

Words count right?

The words we use, the words we read, the words we hear - they all count and can affect our wellbeing, build our confidence and help us to make informed decisions. The more we understand, the more empowered we become.

Paying bills, budgeting and just adulting can be hard work and can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Words that Count is a financial resilience campaign run by National Literacy Trust in partnership with Experian which aims to unpick the financial terms that may have you stumped so that you feel empowered to make good financial decisions and can build financial resilience.

What is financial resilience?

The definition of financial resilience is to 'be able to be withstand the impact of life events which affect your finances'. Put another way, financial resilience means that you are able to recover more quickly when you find yourself in a tough situation or something unexpected happens that impacts your income and money. Building financial resilience means you will be more equipped to deal with the financial fall out of any surprising or difficult life events. In order to build financial resilience, it's important to start creating sensible money habits early on which will help you be as stable as possible when the unexpected happens.

This includes learning about personal finance and money management, as well as finding out about credit options available to you. You may also be starting to look at the costs of further education or vocational training, as well as how to save effectively for the future.

Discover a wealth of financial terms and glossaries, videos and advice on our Words that Count pages to help you unpack complex financial words and phrases before challenging yourself to a heap of quizzes to test your knowledge and hopefully support you with your financial literacy skills ready to step out into the world!

Words that Count with Experian and Foundation 92 and new National Literacy Trust logo

We're pleased to announce that TikTok stars The Wilson Family are taking part in this year's Words that Count campaign as official Words that Count campaign influencers! They'll be joined by fellow content creators Chris Grimes, Kiefer Sharif and Sarah aka @seza_gal. Make sure to check out our TikTok channel, read their tips and suggestions below.

If you're a teacher or work with young people who might benefit from future training and resources around financial resilience and literacy, discover additional Words that Count information and resources on our National Literacy Trust website.

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Understanding your money

From inflation to APR, budget planning to credit scores – financial terms can feel as overwhelming as the prospect of having to pay your bills each month. Read on to discover content packed with tips and terms to help you demystify the financial jargon that makes your head hurt so that you can concentrate on planning for your future, making good decisions and saving a little extra for whatever takes your fancy!

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