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Naming the colours

The best way to teach your baby about colours is by talking about them as you go about your daily activities and routines.

Naming colours.jpg

You can do this using toys and objects from around your home, or by commenting on the things you see while you’re out and about.

At mealtimes you might comment on the colour of foods, cups and plates. For example, 'mmm, carrots for lunch, orange carrots'.

You could offer your baby a choice of the same items such as socks (in different colours) and see which colour they choose. Make sure you comment and name as they select items, such as 'Yes, your red socks'. If they babble or point, praise them and speak back.

You could make a game throughout the day. Set a challenge to find things that are blue and point them out to your baby. You can do this at home or while you’re on a walk.

When your child gets older and their language develops, you can start talking about the different shades of colours; introducing words such as light, dark, pale and bright.

Did you know?

As your baby begins to name objects, adding an extra word, such as a colour name, will help them learn new words. For example, if your baby says 'ball', you could respond 'yes, ball ... a yellow ball'