#3-4 years
Sharing stories, playing, reading together and making crafts – these activities from Words for Life will help your 3 or 4-year-old improve their speaking, reading and communicating skills at home. Support your young child as they practise their literacy skills and bolster what they are learning in nursery.
Teddy’s day out
Reading about feelings
Make a sign for your child's bedroom door
The rain game
Chat and play
Act out a favourite story
You can bring books to life for your child by acting out stories with them.
Painting with water
Problem solving with your child
Learning about numbers and problem solving
The best way for children to learn about numbers is through everyday real experiences.
Halloween book list
Asking questions with books
Tongue Twisters
Spotting signs and logos
Talk about feelings
Hearing you use words to describe feelings will help your child to understand and manage their emotions when they are older.
Read and explore The Tiger Who Came to Tea
The Wheels on the Bus
Sing a Song of Sixpence
There was an old lady who swallowed a fly
Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree
Sleeping Bunnies nursery rhyme
Talking about toys
This Little Piggy
Jack and Jill
Monday's Child nursery rhyme
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
When I grow up book list
Playing at routines
Non-fiction activities
Reading and writing non-fiction
Write a non-fiction book
Non-fiction book list
Make your own friendship cookies