#9-12 years
Take a look at our activities to support older children build on their language, literacy and communication skills from home as they transition from primary to secondary school. We have curated games, booklists, crafts and quizzes for year 5, year 6, year 7 and year 8 children to support them with their literacy skills.
What should I read next?
Be inspired to write this week with Arvon
How much do you know about ocean life?
Mark Mental Health Awareness Week with Rutendo Tavengerwei
Facts about space
Make an origami bookmark
Write a recipe for a magic potion
Safety awareness poetry activities with Kurly McGeachie
Write your own book review
Book Top Trumps
Be an engineer
Explore new poetic forms with Matt Windle
Easy blueberry pancake recipe
Tom Percival's top tips for looking after your mental health
Keeping fit and healthy book list
Celebrate Burns Night
Karl Nova's top tips to get children into poetry
Bring the festive spirit to your home with our winter activity packs
Authors' Choice Book List
We asked 12 brilliant authors, poets and illustrators to recommend their favourite children's books in which they felt represented.
Make friends with My Dear New Friend
Writing poetry with Matt Abbott
Listen to our Story Explorers podcast
Write a poem about growing up
Victoria sponge cake recipe
Books about Kings and Queens
Books about life around the world
Books about the sea
Books about the jungle
Christmas biscuit recipe
Winter book list
Easter rocky road recipe
Easter-themed book list