#5-8 years #Reading
As children start to advance through primary school, is it important that they have the resources available to build on their language, literacy and communication skills from home. Scroll through our list of games, reading activities, videos and more – designed with year 3, year 4 and year 5 children in mind.
Christmas cards and pictures for 0-5's
Our autumn-themed booklist
Take 10 to read
Reading for at least 10 minutes every day is great for your child’s happiness, wellbeing and, of course, for improving their reading and writing.
Take a quiz on books about friendship
Friendship-themed book list
Listen to The Tindims of Rubbish Island
Take a quiz all about the jungle
Magazines and comics
Outdoor reading activities
Celebrate the outdoors book list
Build your own superhero team competition
Refugee Week book list for children
Take a FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 quiz!
Pride Month book list for 5-8 year olds
What should I read next?
Pride Month book list for 0-5 year olds
How much do you know about ocean life?
Reading to a pet or cuddly toy
Make a bookmark
Book games for story time
Make a book cover
Make a treasure map
Which classic picture book character are you?
Handprint sunshine activity
Create a creature
Draw your own pirate ship
The book Olympics
Setting a reading example
Explore new poetic forms with Matt Windle
Write your own poems with poet and performer Paul Cookson
Tom Percival's top tips for looking after your mental health
Keeping fit and healthy book list