Comic books reading list
Summer holiday book list
Reading in the autumn
Children’s poetry book list
Poetry activity pack
Half time jelly oranges recipe
Football activity sheets
Design a FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 flag
Football reading list
Children’s books about health
Ocean-themed activity pack
Making healthy vegan snacks for kids
Books about the environment for kids
Chocolate nests recipe
Milestones for 4-year-olds
Using technology with 3 to 4-year-olds
Play 'I spy'
Read and explore Peace at Last
Explore your child's interests!
Choose a favourite book
Using hobbies to help your child read
How to get your child ready to start school
We're Going on a Bear Hunt Activities
We're Going on a Bear Hunt is a great story you can act out at home.
Talking to your child about food
Reading about feelings
Act out a favourite story
You can bring books to life for your child by acting out stories with them.
Learning about numbers and problem solving
The best way for children to learn about numbers is through everyday real experiences.
Bake Halloween biscuits
Halloween book list
Make a book about Me!
Asking questions with books
Picture books with sound